Thursday, February 16, 2006

System Mechanic v6.0p Serial + How to

Available: January 2006 Digit DVD

Serial: 84871-P6114-4018982182

This is for those who want to find the find the serial for their name themselves without using the keygen floating on the web. Only wannabe crackers need to read this info...

Tools needed: OllyDbg v1.10, Hide Debugger Olly Plugin, aspack unpacking script (given below), ImpRec v1.6

System Mechanic is packed with AsPack v2.12b. You'll have to first unpack it. To unpack it, you'll need the below script.

==== Copy the code below =======
/*///////////////////// ASPack 2.12 OEP finder
// Author: hacnho/VCT2k4
// Email :
// Website:
// OS : WinXP Pro, OllyDbg 1.10 Final, OllyScript v0.85

eob Break
findop eip, #61#
bphws $RESULT, "x"
bphwc $RESULT
log eip
cmt eip, "This is the OEP! Found by hacnho/VCT2k4"
MSG "Dumped and fix IAT now! Thanx for using my Script...!"

==== Copy the code above =======

Copy this code in a notepad window and save it as "aspack_2.12.txt" in the plugins folder of Olly.
After dumping and correcting the imports using ImpRec, save it as dump_.exe
Load dump_.exe in Olly. Now i'll give you where to set breakpoint only as i want that you learn cracking by yourself.

Remember that the userid need to be email-(any numeral) such as and serial needs to be in the form of xxxxx-P6xxx-xxxxxxxxxx where x can be any digit.

Set 1st breakpoint at 008CA0A0. The protection starts from here. Trace. You'll get your correct serial at 0060DAAE


At February 18, 2006 1:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Epsilon,

Please tell me if any of members have started after magzware. Magzware was really nice and u all too our friend. Missing one such good our community and u too people. Please invite me if u r using any forum at

Best regards


At February 18, 2006 11:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna learn how to crack this thing, so where do i find ImpRec v1.6? i tried to find from the web,but cant find any..can help me with this??thanks

At March 10, 2006 1:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

U will get ImpRec is here

At May 18, 2006 6:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hai Epsilon'

Please tell me how to crack the bigger softwares like NAV2005,ACAD.please tell me.

Best regards



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