Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Solution for NIS 2006

This has been submitted by one of our esteemed visitor. Try and see if it also works for you.

First of all, make sure that your copy of NIS 2006 is not having the activation problem. If it has, then reformat and reinstall it again. When you try to update the virus definitions using Live Update, uncheck all the things leaving only the Virus Definition Updates. Do not ever update the other components as it will overwrite the cracked files with the newer ones. You can safely update your copy forever.

Forum Now Ready

Our forum is now ready for all u ppl out there. This forum will be the platform to learn and share something new everyday. Hope you'll like it and contribute to make it a valuable place for everyone.

To visit the forum, go to www.cdsclub.tk

Monday, February 27, 2006

Is this what we deserve?

Now-a-days I get so many emails regarding NIS 2006. Some asks for password and most asks regarding the activation problem. I gave every email a personal reply despite the fact that I am damn too busy in my real job. I work for a very big name in the field of Internet and IT and thus you may know the pressure of work. I am the one and only cracker of my team (all others are suppliers) and thus you may see that only my name floats around in all the cracks.

But sometimes people think that we are their personal crackers. I get some emails like this one:
Hey, u know abt this? It's a very good sw and I need it badly. Crack this for me....

When I was about to think for the solution of the NIS 2006 problem, I saw the comment of a guy named "napster" in the blog entry 'NIS 2006 Activation Problems'. You can see it there or here also. It is given below:

this is retarded boys...yer solution is to reformat the system? fuckin idiots! dont put out cracks that dont work you amateurs!

This guy made the comment but did not have the courage to give even his email id. What sort of man will he be?

Just then I thought that whatever good we do, there will be people who will blame us for not so being good to them. And believe us, they are in good numbers. They want only cracks and patches. Ok, if you want protection for your system, go and buy the software. Why you came here? I do not crack softwares for you people. I crack them because I learn something new from it everyday and distribute it to show the developers that their protection is not strong enough till now. I will continue to crack the softwares but what if I don't distribute it to you people.

As you can see, these things hurt and demoralize us to work. And this was the first comment that hurt me. I received so many bad comments in the past also, but I just ignored them. But I was unable to ignore this time. Therefore, I have now decided that there will be no more update on NIS 2006. Please don't request me or anyone else to make the solution. However, we will continue to crack and update this blog.

NOTE: We are also making a forum and it will be announced soon.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

AverMagic Pro Plus v9.0

AverMagic Pro Plus is an image-processing data module engine that carries out production jobs instantaneously and delivers them to markets within a brief interval of time. It is specially designed to cater to the needs of Photo Labs, Studios, Graphic Designers for digital image editing. Most notably a resolution independent, REAL TIME vector-based approach to bitmap creation, which leaves other image editing softwares looking comparatively outdated, underpowered and overpriced.

This is the first ever patch of AverMagic Pro Plus.

Size: 11.8 MB
Price: $200 or INR 10,000

Download + Patch

Saturday, February 25, 2006

NIS 2006 Activation Problems

I have got to know about the problem in Norton's softwares that it is again asking for the activation key even after it is fully cracked and working for months. After seeing so many emails i had came to the conclusion that the servers at symantec are now checking the serial key each time you update your virus definitions. Therefore we advise you that you try to avoid the Live Update function if you want your NIS 2006 to be working as before, otherwise it will became crippled too.

If your copy of NIS is asking for the activation key again, then plz reformat your system, crack the trial copy, install it and update the virus database using intelligent updater only. Do Not ever use Live Update. Or else use the combination of Avast Antivirus + Zone Alarm Firewall. I am also using it for over six months and no virus or worm entered my system till date. Now it's ur choice...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Image2PDF v1.8 Patch

Image2PDF is an application program based on Windows platform, which can directly convert more dozens of image formats, such as TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PDF, PCX, PIC and so on, into PDF format, can support manifold conversion way, and automatically clear and skew-correct by adopting special technique for B/W images, to insure display effect of high quality after conversion. If your application program doesn't require OCR (Optical Character Recognition) function, this software provides a kind of very convenient way to compose electronic books so that users can very conveniently issue it to Web. You can directly scan paper documents into image files by scanner, convert them into PDF file by Image2PDF. Without complicated procedure and operation, it will be very simple to compose electronic books.

Download + Patch

Thursday, February 16, 2006

System Mechanic v6.0p Serial + How to

Available: January 2006 Digit DVD

UserID: cdsgroup@gmail.com-1
Serial: 84871-P6114-4018982182

This is for those who want to find the find the serial for their name themselves without using the keygen floating on the web. Only wannabe crackers need to read this info...

Tools needed: OllyDbg v1.10, Hide Debugger Olly Plugin, aspack unpacking script (given below), ImpRec v1.6

System Mechanic is packed with AsPack v2.12b. You'll have to first unpack it. To unpack it, you'll need the below script.

==== Copy the code below =======
/*///////////////////// ASPack 2.12 OEP finder
// Author: hacnho/VCT2k4
// Email : hacnho@hotmail.com
// Website: http://nhandan.info/hacnho
// OS : WinXP Pro, OllyDbg 1.10 Final, OllyScript v0.85

eob Break
findop eip, #61#
bphws $RESULT, "x"
bphwc $RESULT
log eip
cmt eip, "This is the OEP! Found by hacnho/VCT2k4"
MSG "Dumped and fix IAT now! Thanx for using my Script...!"

==== Copy the code above =======

Copy this code in a notepad window and save it as "aspack_2.12.txt" in the plugins folder of Olly.
After dumping and correcting the imports using ImpRec, save it as dump_.exe
Load dump_.exe in Olly. Now i'll give you where to set breakpoint only as i want that you learn cracking by yourself.

Remember that the userid need to be email-(any numeral) such as cdsgroup@gmail.com-1 and serial needs to be in the form of xxxxx-P6xxx-xxxxxxxxxx where x can be any digit.

Set 1st breakpoint at 008CA0A0. The protection starts from here. Trace. You'll get your correct serial at 0060DAAE